We have entered an age of Intelligent things.

Internet of Things (IoT) devices; drones; autonomous vehicles; robots. This will be an amazing time… as long as they are secure. And the security for these markets has to be comprehensive, end-to-end and proactive. To address the needs of the emerging markets, we provide proven encryption, strong authentication and machine learning that is easily deployed and will guard the broad deployment of these new products from the cunning black hats. These breaches are very real.     Digital Journal (July 2018) article on IoT breaches: "Over 70% of those working with IoT systems have suffered some kind of security breach within the past year."

There are four key differences that make EnGarde perfect for IOT:  

1. The security of the product is proven in the device market for the last ten years. The basic security has been tested and approved by some of the most rigorous labs in the world, including the Army, Navy, and many more laboratories. No-one can infiltrate the network, since there is end-to-end mutual authentication. You can trust each connected device. 

2. Because the product is security software, the product has shown to be portable to new devices in as little as one week. Software implies no expensive Bill Of Materials additions. Software also implies that your security can be updated and improved by internet download as needed (unlike hardware solutions),  

3. The product can also be installed and configured in most deployments in under a day. In most networks, no equipment will need to be replaced or upgraded.  

4. Because of the architecture of the product, the product allows authenticated plug-ins. This means that compromised or out-of-compliance devices can be quarantined from the network and the integrity of all other devices is protected. 

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Let us show you how easy adding an intelligent firewall can be to support true zero trust for all your devices, sensors, or even your smart coffeepot.   

Send us a note and let us talk about we can give you peace of mind.


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