EnGarde has been successfully protecting and providing mission assurance to the US Government in many agencies, groups and facilities for years..

Because of the current threat situation, the US Executive Branch has issued a US Presidential Executive Order dated 01/26/2022 requiring that ALL Federal Agencies must employ and deploy ZERO TRUST by 2024. EnGarde has the most comprehensive end-to-end zero trust solution available.

EnGarde is an encrypting firewall mesh network product that shields and cloaks your entire network with strong, certified, and proven security using any networking hardware or Wi-Fi gear. The EA does more than just encryption, however. This platform offers policy management that provides network and device security that enforces policy and prevents unapproved devices from entering the network. This prevents classic man-in-the-middle attacks from unauthorized devices and mitigates the potential of a device infected with malware from spreading the malware through the network. A device that is unknown is not allowed to pass packets through the access controller, effectively protecting the authorized units. A device that does not meet the vulnerability assessment is quarantined from the network until the vulnerability can be remediated.


The forward-thinking design of EnGarde achieves world-class, certified military grade protection and maximum interoperability in the most efficient and logical manner possible, even on legacy devices.

There are three key differences that make EnGarde perfect for Government:  

1. The security of EnGarde is proven in the mission critical government market for eighteen years. The basic security has been updated, tested and approved by some of the most rigorous labs in the world, including the Army, Navy, and many more laboratories. No-one can infiltrate the network, since there is end-to-end mutual authentication. You can trust each connected device. 

2. Because EnGarde is security software, EnGarde has shown to be portable to new networks in as little as one week. Software also implies that your security can be updated and improved by internet download as needed (unlike hardware solutions). You can rest assured that yu are always up to date.  

3. EnGarde can also be installed and configured in most networks in under a day and no equipment will need to be replaced or upgraded. This means that EnGarde is less expensive, while being MORE effective.  

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Let us show you how easy adding an intelligent firewall can be to support true zero trust for all your devices, sensors, or even your smart coffeepot.   

Send us a note and let us talk about we can give you peace of mind.

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