EnGarde has been protecting critical infrastructure for years and has PROVEN secure when you most need it.

The forward-thinking design of EnGarde achieves world-class, military grade protection and maximum interoperability in the most efficient and logical manner possible, even on legacy devices.

There are four key differences that make EnGarde perfect for Critical Infrastructure:  

1. The security of EnGarde is proven in critical infrastructure for at least eighteen years. EnGarde protects legacy and high throughput modern sensors by learning and determining normal and abnormal behavior. More than any other device, EnGarde can ensure safety from internal errors, internal leakage and external attacks.

2. EnGarde has shown to be portable to new devices and networks in as little as one week. EnGarde even supports legacy devices with old serial or parallel ports. You don't need to buy all new equipment for assurance -- just deploy EnGarde.

3. The basic security has been tested and approved by some of the most rigorous labs in the world, including the Army, Navy, and many more laboratories. No-one can infiltrate the network, since there is end-to-end mutual authentication. You can trust each connected device. Ask us for references.

4. EnGarde has continuous authentication of all networked devices and ensures that each device is authentic. Each frame is verified and ensures that no-one can hijack your systems.

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Let us show you how easy adding an intelligent firewall can be to support true zero trust for all your devices, sensors, or even your smart coffeepot.   

Send us a note and let us talk about we can give you peace of mind.

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